DLS Financials
DLS Online Transaction Request Forms
The DLS Online Transaciton Request Forms of DLS Online is designed to provide convenience and speed to requesting transactions from parishs on their accounts. This process will also lower the cost and time for parishes to complete requests forms of providing information about the transaction requested online rather than on paper to be mailed or faxed. The forms can also prevent missing information by checking the form before being submitted to the diocese. Each user can be allowed to see only the forms that you allow them to see... if any.
Working with our staff, custom forms for each transaction type will be created to your specifications including requiring certain fields to be completed before the form can be submitted. Once the form is completed and submitted, the parish can print the form for their records but the request can be seen on DLS Online and even edited if the approval process has not started yet. The diocese will see that the transaction request is waiting for them to start the approval process as soon as the form is submitted by the parish.
Once the diocese user gets the request, they can notify the users that need to log into DLS to approve the transaction so that they can log into DLS and either approve/deny the request. If denied, the user will need to write the reason for the denial which can then be reported to the user that requested the transaction. Once all required approvals have been digitally completed, the processor can then process the transaction into DLS with the click of a button when it then becomes an official transaction as if the user had entered it and then post it.
Configurations include which users can see the links to each transaction type, set up automatic emails for certain steps of the process to the requestor, how many people need to approve each transaction type, and at what point in the process the requestor is prevented from editing the request. Optional approval process can be configured to print the request form for departments to sign on paper and once completed, have the processor enter the approval/denial information into DLS.
All request, approvals, and other information will be kept within the DLS data as well as online for backup. All requests that result in a transaction will be linked to the actual transaction that was created with it. This allows the users looking at a transaction to see the digital request form and the approvals together.

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