DLS Financials
Advanced Edition
The Advanced Edition of DLS is designed to be the top-of-the-line product with the ability to have additional requested features and functions added to it. While it has the basic functions for savings, loans, and pooled investments, it comes with all the advanced features and functions that have been requested over the past 22+ years.
Location records have all the fields found in the Basic Edition but also Deanery Codes, Location Type, and default accounts to bring up when location is selected.
Savings Accounts have the basic fields but also Sub Descriptions, Fixed Term CDs, Variable Rates based upon balance, Restricted Principal Amounts, Special Withdraw Approval, Categories, Restriction Types, Flag Account, and Holding Bank Account information. You also have the ability to assign a Mail To address and email address for the account so that statements, letters, and emails for the account can go to the account owner and not the location.
Loan Accounts also have the basic fields but also Sub Descriptions, Interest Only marker, Stewardship marker, Pending/Locked Account, Fixed Rate, Max Rate, Rates Associated to Prime, Application Number, Flag Account, Category, Restriction Type, Reason for Loan, and Holding Bank Account information. You also have the ability to assign a Mail To address and email address for the account so that statements, letters, and emails for the account can go to the account owner and not the location.
Additional special functions are the ability to Consolidate several loans into a new loan and to write off the balance of a loan account. With MS Word, you are able to merge the account record into your contracts to fill in the information in the document and print for the client to sign. A loan calculator that can be use to calculate several possible payback scenarieos for the client to select the amount of payment and term.
The DLS Quick Key Entry© system provides you with a formated spreadsheet to enter savings account transactions into the spreadsheet and import them into DLS as a batch. This function is good for annual fees or excess profits that you may want to disburse amoung the locations.
Other Special Functions not available in the Basic Edition are the ability to Move Accounts from one locaiton to another, Merge locations together, Globally change GL Number throughout the system, define Location Type, Category, Restriction, Third Party Payees, and Standard Comments Lists. Process Maturing CDs, Create Audit Letters, Export Balances to Excel. Create Variable Interest Rate Table for Deposits, and Update the DLS Prime Rate.
New configuration items of the Advanced Edition are the Require Location Types, Post To One Cash Account, Turn off Accrual System, Prevent negative deposit accounts (overdraws), and create custom letters to be send depending on certain events like new accounts, deposits, payments, and other events. Send emails instead of printing confirmation letters and interest distribution letters. Send broadcast announcements via email.
![General Maintenance Menu](../image/screenshots/DLS General Maintenance Form.png)
General Maintenance Menu
![Advanced Edition Menu](../image/screenshots/AdvancedMenu.png)
Advanced Edition Menu
![DLS System Configuration](../image/screenshots/DLS SEtup Configuration Page.png)
DLS System Configuration